We are a team of volunteers. These are the faces of the people involved in the projects we do. You won’t find any occupational role next to our names; we don’t have any. Throughout the years, we have developed an organisational structure that refuses labels. We recognise ourselves as people rather than workers, and we collaborate to give each one of us the possibility of realising our full potential, taking on tasks that resonate with our personal abilities and challenges.








Throughout the years, several personal stories have crossed paths with ours; their practice has helped shape Quindici19 as you see it now. They are: Alessandro Montalbano, Alessia Di Giacomo, Alice Zanon, Angelica Mezza, Benedetta Barbano, Benedetta Pontecorvo, Benedetta Salemme, Bianca Margutti, Camilla Zanon, Carlotta Baravalle, Davide Infantino, Davide Manzoni, Elena Rubbà, Eleonora Janiri, Eleonora Martelli, Emma Gaglianone, Federica Rubino, Francesca Madaro, Francesco Azzali, Gianluca Longo, Giorgia Galperti, Giorgio Frasca, Giustino De Luca, Luciaan Groenier, Marco Biferale, Nandini Hazra, Riccardo Sabatino, Simonetta Poltronieri, Verdiana Pagnano, Veronika Stattin.